Feminine Napkins pivots from conventional storytelling and unfolds a poetic blend of residual consciousness and dispositions. At its heart, the film explores the timeless clash between dream and materialist perspectives, navigating through a persistent psyche. Evolving into a study of metaphysics, the film centers fundamental natures of reality and the interconnectedness of mind and matter. This approach interweaves philosophy, psychology, and visual poetry. Each frame captures the dream weaver subtly dancing between time; the visible, and the unseen. Feminine Napkins is an 8mm visual poem that unravels and unveils beyond everyday perceptions.

Year: 2023

super 8
featured music: CUBE - OFFICE MUSIC
Screening at EUFFYEG Underground Film Festival 10/20. Alberta, Canada . 2024
Screening at Teatro de la  Psychomachia . Seattle, WA. 2024
Screened at  510 Oak. Eugene, OR. 2023
Screened at Turn, Turn, Turn. Portland, OR. 2023